A year without Mihajlovic, son Miroslav says: It’s been tough

Almost a year after the death of Sinisa Mihajlovic, his son Miroslav has spoken candidly about his father’s passing and paid heartfelt tribute to his memory.

Sinisa Mihajlovic, a notable name in the footballing world, passed away on 16th December last year. Speaking to Quotidiano Nazionale about his first year without his father, Miroslav said, “It’s been hard, but one thing that helped me a lot was going to the pitch. It allows me to detach but also keep him close.”

Miroslav acknowledged the weight of carrying his father’s famous surname. “I know I have a heavy surname, but I love this job, and as my father taught me, I follow my passions. Managing the legacy in Italy is even more difficult. Yet, I admire Chiesa and Maldini for rising high despite being compared with their parents. I move forward as Miro.”

Discussing the day of his father’s death, Miroslav admitted, “We were ready, but the truth is that you can be as prepared as you want: when that moment comes, it’s tough.”

During the difficult period, Miroslav wished to retreat from the public eye due to the constant reminders of their loss, but he expressed gratitude towards those who offered support. “I want to thank everyone who was close to him, especially the fans and Stankovic. Deki is like an uncle to me, he’s always been there. Being a public figure does not make it easier to handle this loss because everyone talked about it continuously, and it will be the same with the anniversary,” he added.

Talking about his mother’s resilience and his bonding with his siblings after the family’s loss, Miroslav said, “My mom is a strong woman, and she does not let us see that she is suffering, but I know what she goes through and she does it for us. Together with my brothers, we try to make her feel better.”

Miroslav also took time to commend Bologna, where his father was once a managing coach. “They were perfect with him and with us. The dismissal in 2022 hit him hard because for him being on the pitch was everything. But Bologna has been brilliant, showing us support both before and after,” Miroslav confirmed.

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